Area Schools

Clay County schools are ranked in the top 14% in the nation for providing “What Parents Want” for their kids. This outstanding public school system attracts families who care deeply about their children’s education. With four on-site Clay County schools constructed within OakLeaf Plantation, your children will benefit immensely from their new hometown environment at Eagle Landing.

Learning isn’t just within the walls of a classroom. At Eagle Landing your children will be well on their way to a well-rounded lifestyle through our own exclusive hometown resources. With a strong commitment to nature and the environment, Eagle Landing has neighborhood parks, lakes and protected green space, offering your children every opportunity to discover, explore and enjoy nature and learn about the life around them. And our activity-driven enrichment programs for kids of every age, from tots to teens, will instill within them a thirst for knowledge and the joy of learning for a lifetime.

Eagle Landing children currently attend  OakLeaf Junior High, and OakLeaf High School  and our new elementary school (as of 2018) Discovery Oaks Elementary (K-6th).

Click here to visit the Clay County Schools official website.

2019 – 2020 School Year Calendar

2020 – 2021 School Year Calendar